About Me

✷ Sagittarius Rising, Scorpio Moon, Gemini Sun + Venus.

Hello Hottie!

My name is McKenzie McCormick, and everything in my world revolves around movement. I’m a movement magician, lover, dancer, choreographer, astrologer, writer, philosopher, rock climber, kitchen witch, multidisciplinary athlete, plant-based nutritionist, and queer creative. Just as my natal chart highlights, there is no way that I could do one thing when my passions contain such range and depth! My bookshelves have held texts about history, astrology, crystals, health, and stories of fantasy and wonder since I was little.

the path leading here

I started teaching dance at 15, around when my family got me involved with their new holistic health business. I studied political science and philosophy in college and dreamt of working in public service one day. My time was spent finding solutions, whether that was figuring out how people think, leading people to move, or creating healing remedies for people. I felt a strong desire to help the collective in profound, pivotal, momentous, vital ways. Time revealed that I wasn’t destined to pursue law or government work, but I was destined to serve. After moving from Indiana to Florida in 2016, my focus shifted to how astrology reflected the human experience and how plants could heal the body. While I was waist-deep in this vast ocean of research, my dad unexpectedly died of a heart attack. This jolted my journey and ignited a purposeful fire within me to make a difference, inspiring me to initiate my practice.

There is a delicious blend of flavors in my work. We dance together and empower you towards writing body poetry. We talk about your natal chart and discover avenues of being more authentically you. We explore ways of moving and lean into an embodied existence. At the heart, I’m a connector. ⁣I connect people to their bodies, to their feelings, to their sensual wisdom, to their beloved humans, to nature, to the land where they reside, to the planets and stars in the sky above, and to the spirit that exists in everything. ⁣I’m always seeking to connect your incarnate body with the cosmic universe we’re all floating within and to make sense of how your energy fits into this grand puzzle. ⁣I bring romantic soulfulness, wise intimacy, and deeply transformative vibrancy into every space that I create, facilitate, and sustain.

 Want to dive deeper?